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What Are Your Home Cooling Habits?
Thursday | July 1, 2021
Do you have some uncool air conditioning habits? Don't sweat it. There's space for savings and comfo...
How Secure is Your Mobile Device?
Friday | June 4, 2021
Most of us have a smartphone, but how many of us really think about the security threats faced by th...
Protect your home while your away with smart tech
Tuesday | June 1, 2021
With smart cameras, locks and detectors, you can feel safe and secure knowing your house is in good ...
5 Tips for Buying a Dehumidifier
Tuesday | May 4, 2021
These tips will help you find the right dehumidifier to keep your home comfortable all year long.
Your Home: Making Room for Electrical Safety
Saturday | May 1, 2021
Electricity can be hazardous if not treated properly. Take these steps to protect your home and fami...
Mini Split Heat Pumps: Ductless Heating and Cooling
Monday | April 12, 2021
No ductwork? No problem. Mini split heat pumps provide an efficient alternative to conventional heat...
6 Pros and Cons of Cordless Leaf Blowers
Friday | April 9, 2021
Better mobility, lighter weight and lower cost are just some of the benefits of cordless electric le...
Why Electric Bills Go Up In the Winter
Thursday | March 18, 2021
Even if you don't use electric heat in your home or business, you may notice that your electric bill...