Learn just what it takes to ensure your lights come on when you flip the switch. We offer Beltrami Electric Cooperative members an exceptional summer opportunity that is both fun and educational! Travel with your host and other co-op members on a three-day tour while you visit and see first-hand the generation resources that provide power to you each and every day.
Beltrami Electric's Cooperative's 2025 tour will be held July 15-17, 2025.
The annual energy resources tour has been widely attended by hundreds of cooperative members and is a popular tradition enjoyed by many. Join Beltrami Electric Cooperative hosts on a comfortable, air-conditioned charter bus from Bemidji Bus Lines, enjoy a two-night stay at the Baymont Inn & Suites in Mandan, N.D., and see how your electricity is generated and transmitted to your home each and every day!
Each year in July, Beltrami Electric Cooperative sponsors a three-day tour to North Dakota. The highlight of this trip is the tour of Milton R. Young Station and BNI Coal - supplier of the lignite coal. Other stops include:
Minnkota Power Cooperative in Grand Forks, ND
Oliver III Wind Energy
Garrison Dam
The cost to members for the three-day trip is $125 per person or $200 per double occupancy. The trip includes the bus fare, hotel, tours, and all meals. Space is limited and the trip fills up fast each year.
Members who have not been on this trip in the past are encouraged to go and will be given first opportunity.
There is a considerable amount of walking on this trip, including stairs.
This trip is a great educational opportunity for youth ages 12 & over, and they can attend for free with a parent/grandparent or guardian.
To sign up, complete the registration form in the June Northern Lights and return with your payment to:
Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Attn: Energy Resources Tour, PO Box 488, Bemidji, MN 56619.
“We had a great time and we highly recommend this trip to all BEC members. It’s very well organized and gave us a great understanding of where our electricity comes from!”