Beltrami Electric Cooperative (BEC) strives to provide members with safe, reliable, and affordable electricity. We work diligently to keep costs low, rates stable and only raise rates when necessary. Rates charged by BEC are established by the Board of Directors with the advice of engineering consultants, accountants and electric rate specialists. The last rate adjustment occurred in April 2018, more than six years ago.
All factors contributing to the cost of providing safe and reliable service are tabulated and projected. This includes the cost of:
wholesale power (70% of our costs)
cost of operating and maintaining the distribution system
accounting and sales expense
administrative expense
depreciation on the investment in power lines, equipment and facilities taxes
interest on long-term debt
Beltrami Electric Cooperative Rate Schedule - Effective April 2018
Understanding Demand
You may have noticed a new line on your bill labeled “demand.” While our commercial members have been familiar with demand charges for years, it’s important for residential members to understand demand and related costs due to changes in the electrical grid. You might have heard us talk about the “demand response program” and the importance of off-peak load management. But what exactly is "demand" when it comes to electricity?
Simply put, demand is like a speedometer. Get in the driver’s seat of your car for a moment. Energy (kWh) would be what is recorded on your car’s odometer – a measurement of total miles. Demand (kW) is like your speedometer – measuring the speed at which the energy flows. The demand reading is like the highest recorded “miles-per-hour” speed for that month.
Think of the electrical grid like a freeway. It has to be built to accommodate the largest amount of traffic it could see at one time even if there are only a few cars using it most of the time. During “high-traffic” or high-demand times, energy is more expensive. By spreading out your electricity use throughout the day and evenings, you can help the cooperative save on high-demand charges. That savings is passed onto members and ensures a more reliable and balanced grid for everyone.