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Tips for Entertaining Kiddos During Social Distancing
Tuesday | April 21, 2020
Social Distancing can be hard on anyone, but it is especially challenging for young kids (and their ...
Planning a Yard Project? Don't Just Dig In
Friday | April 17, 2020
April is National Safe Digging Month. It reminds us all that as we begin beautifying our yards, we s...
Beltrami Electric Cooperative selects Josibeth Aguilera for 2020 Youth Tour
Friday | April 3, 2020
Beltrami Electric is pleased to announce that Josibeth Aguilera of Tenstrike has been selected as th...
6 Ways to Make Your Home Office Energy Efficient
Thursday | April 2, 2020
Working from home doesn't have to impact your energy bill. Follow these tips to make your home offic...
Operation Round Up® helps local programs
Wednesday | January 15, 2020
The Beltrami Electric Cooperative Trust Board for Operation Round Up® met in January and awarded gra...
Village of Hope Wins Local Touchstone Energy Community Award
Friday | December 27, 2019
Beltrami Electric Cooperative has selected Village of Hope as the winner of the local 2019 Touchston...