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Beltrami Electric is pleased to announce that Josibeth Aguilera of Tenstrike has been selected as the co­operative’s 2020 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour representative. She will join hundreds of high school students representing their cooperatives on an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 20-25, 2020.  This trip is part of an annual Youth Tour sponsored by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), the Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA) and Beltrami Electric Cooperative.

“The Youth Tour is the highlight of the summer for many students from Minnesota and around the United States and we’re pleased to send a student to Washington, D.C. each year to participate,” said Angela Lyseng, Youth Tour coordinator for Beltrami Electric Cooperative. “These students will gain a first-hand understanding of the legislative process, learn about advocating on behalf of their community and make connections with others that will last a lifetime. Our youth are our future, and we can give them the tools to succeed. We look forward to continuing the Youth Tour tradition for many years to come.”

Students on the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour will participate in leadership training, engage in one-on-one conversations with their U.S. Representatives and Senators, jumpstart their national peer network and tour Washington, D.C.  The tour includes visits to the Smithsonian, the National Archives, Arlington National Cemetery, the WWI, Vietnam, Korean War Veteran’s Memorials as well as the Jefferson, Washington and Lincoln Memorials.

As part of the selection process, candidates were required to submit an application, write a 500-word essay and submit two letters of reference from teachers, group or community leaders.  Ms. Aguilera’s application expressed her passion for the law and her desire to learn more about our government and U.S. History.

She is the daughter of Bernadette Aguilera of Tenstrike, Minn.