VP-Electrification and Member Engagement
“Can’t shake the small-town boy in me. There’s solid ground beneath my feet … built a home with a girl who shares my name.”
Those words, penned by a local songwriter you’ve never heard of (unless you look at this byline), lead into a story about values that many small-town boys (and girls) appreciate. Values like family, faith, community and service to others.
As a cooperative owned by the members we serve and built by the communities we serve, we belong to the communities we serve. These are values, principles and perspectives that resonate and carry weight in all that we do at Beltrami Electric.
This thinking provides the foundation for off-peak programs that deliver heating and cooling programs, service, rebates and options that keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. We call this “The Power of Off-Peak.”
More than 7,000 members agree. And these members benefit by participating in off-peak programs that help save money on electric bills and lower overall energy bills every day, every month, and every year.
The emphasis on providing service, support and solutions also drives us to offer products that provide comfort, safety and value for members. Products like Steffes thermal storage furnaces, Marathon water heaters and Generlink adaptors that provide a safe and economical way to connect a generator behind the meter during power outages.
Whether delivering peace of mind, enhancing reliability, or ensuring comfort during life’s storms – these systems are intended to help keep your home and family comfortable, regardless of the season.
These initiatives also enable BEC to lower system demand for electricity, while minimizing “demand charges” for wholesale power. That means off-peak programs are not only good for participants, but also good for the cooperative as well as the electric grid.
A massive energy transition is underway with power supply (think wind, solar and utility scale batteries. And keeping a lid on electrical “demand” will be even more important in the future.
Because the more appliances, lights, fans and compressors you run at the same time, the more our collective demand for power increases – and the more the cost of power increases for the cooperative – especially if the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining.
BEC Off-Peak programs are a smart way to minimize system demand during the day while keeping your home comfortable and limiting the amount of electrical demand during peak hours of the day when the price for power is also at its peak.
We work hard to keep your lights on, your coffee hot and your batteries charged. If you’d like to add heating and cooling to the equation – give us a call at 218-444-2540 or check out our web site at beltramielectric.com, and we’ll let you know how you can benefit from “The Power of Off-Peak.”
Stay comfortable. Feel good. And join the movement! When you do, remember that “The Power of Off-Peak” is not only good for you, but also for the co-op, and the grid too!