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Your Home: Sealing in Savings and Comfort
Friday | September 1, 2023
Are your energy dollars slipping through the cracks? Learn how to find and seal air leaks around you...
83rd Annual Meeting/Night at the Fair Draws more than 1,600
Friday | August 25, 2023
Beltrami Electric's 83rd Annual Meeting/Night at the Fair was a fun-filled night for the entire fami...
5 Tips for Buying a New Thermostat
Friday | August 11, 2023
On the hunt for a new thermostat? Here are some tips in mind as you search.
Going Places: Electric Vehicle Driving Range
Friday | August 4, 2023
Does range anxiety make you reluctant to invest in an EV? Today's models can go farther on one charg...
High Bills? 5 Ways to Start Saving Energy Now!
Friday | July 7, 2023
Why put it off until tomorrow? With these simple tips, you can start reducing your energy bills toda...
5 Tips for Buying a Battery-Powered Trimmer
Wednesday | July 5, 2023
Battery-powered lawn trimmers run quieter and have no smelly fumes. Find the right model with these ...
What's Cooking? Low-Energy Recipes
Friday | June 30, 2023
With these simple recipes, you can make tasty meals while spending less time and energy in the kitch...
Beltrami Electric Indoor Garage Sale Raises more than $6,000 for United Way of Bemidji Area
Friday | June 23, 2023
The committee for the Beltrami Electric Indoor Garage Sale presents a check to the United Way of Bem...
6 Things You Shouldn't Plug into a Power Strip
Friday | June 9, 2023
Sometimes, staying safe is knowing what not to do. Here are six devices your should never plug into ...