With large amounts of snow on the ground this winter, electrical equipment such as pedestals or pad mount transformers (green boxes) can sometimes be hidden under the snow. Beltrami Electric Cooperative would like to remind members to keep snow clear from around their transformers for multiple reasons.
- First, by keeping it clear from snow, it permits line crews to access it quickly in the case of a power outage.
- Secondly, keeping it visible will reduce the risk of it being hit by a snowplow, vehicle, or snowmobile, causing a power outage, costly repairs, and a dangerous situation.
If you ever hit a piece of electrical equipment, please remember to stay in your vehicle and contact the cooperative right away to report the damage. Stay at least 35-40 feet away from damaged equipment in case it is still energized.
Beltrami Electric Cooperative has mounted pole reflectors onto many pedestals and transformers to increase visibility.
Electric lines and poles may be located along roadside ditches, which is also where a lot of snowmobiles travel during the winter, so while you are out enjoying the great outdoors, make sure to watch out for guy wires, which extend from the poles and may not be easy to see from a speeding snowmobile.
By taking extra precautions and being aware of the potential hazards when participating in outdoor activities, you can help prevent a trip to the emergency room or even a deadly accident.
Safety is a priority for your cooperative, and we want to see everyone go home safe each and every day. Keep safety top of your mind while enjoying our great Northland!