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3 Tips For Choosing the Right Electric Vehicle For You
Monday | April 11, 2022
Consider what type of vehicle you want to drive, the electrification level you prefer and where you'...
Plan ahead to call before you dig
Tuesday | April 5, 2022
Digging without locating underground utilities could leave neighborhoods in the dark, cause thousand...
Do not use an extension cord and other EV safety tips
Friday | March 11, 2022
Electric vehicles (EVs) are fun to drive and do not emit exhaust. However, taking proper precautions...
Extension Cords: Plugging In Safely
Wednesday | March 9, 2022
Extension cords can be dangerous if not used properly. Follow these guidelines to keep your home and...
Do's and Don'ts: Smart Technology
Friday | March 4, 2022
Here's what you should and shouldn't do to set up a smart home that works for you.
Talking to Your Kids About Saving Energy
Monday | February 14, 2022
Take a little time to speak to your kids about the importance of energy conservation. Here are some ...
5 Tips for Buying a Humidifier
Saturday | February 12, 2022
Consider the size of your space, type of humidification you'd prefer, cost and more to find the best...
Ask an Expert: High Energy Bills
Thursday | February 10, 2022
Do you ever wonder what can cause your energy bill to suddenly increase? Learn about some common rea...
Five safety tips for your home workshop
Monday | February 7, 2022
How safe is your home workshop? Consider making these safety tips standard practice.
MREA Recognizes BEC employee for Commitment to Safety
Friday | January 21, 2022
Minnesota Rural Electric Association recently recognized Beltrami Electric Cooperative employee for ...