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What Exactly is a Kilowatt-Hour?
Friday | March 10, 2023
You pay for electricity by the kilowatt-hour, but what exactly are you paying for?
Tax Credits for Home Energy Upgrades
Friday | February 24, 2023
Federal tax credits for home energy improvements were recently expanded and extended. Here's the lat...
How to Choose a Home Generator
Wednesday | February 1, 2023
Purchasing a generator is more complicated than just picking one up at the hardware store. Learn how...
Does Adjusting the Thermostat Really Save Energy?
Friday | January 20, 2023
Adjusting the thermostat is a well-known way to save energy, but does it actually work?
Weatherization Assistance Program: Breaking Down the Basics
Friday | January 13, 2023
Here's how to reset your energy lifestyle so you can live more sustainably and efficiently.
Majority of home heating fire deaths involve a space heater or other heating equipment
Tuesday | January 10, 2023
Did you know that 81% of home heating fire deaths included stationary or portable space heaters? Lea...
Starting Over: Changing Your Energy Lifestyle
Friday | January 6, 2023
Here's how to reset your energy lifestyle so you can live more sustainably and efficiently.