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Weatherization Assistance Program: Breaking Down the Basics
Friday | January 13, 2023
Here's how to reset your energy lifestyle so you can live more sustainably and efficiently.
Majority of home heating fire deaths involve a space heater or other heating equipment
Tuesday | January 10, 2023
Did you know that 81% of home heating fire deaths included stationary or portable space heaters? Lea...
Starting Over: Changing Your Energy Lifestyle
Friday | January 6, 2023
Here's how to reset your energy lifestyle so you can live more sustainably and efficiently.
4 Reasons to Electrify Your Home
Monday | December 12, 2022
Going electric can decrease energy costs, make your home safer, reduce maintenance visits and more.
Busted! 3 Common Myths About Home Heating
Thursday | December 8, 2022
Bad advice about home heating can have a real impact on your energy bills. Get the facts and save.
Gift Guide: Electric Tools for the Outdoor Perfectionist
Friday | December 2, 2022
Don’t know what to get that person with the perfect yard? How about easy-to-use, energy-efficient el...
Coming to Terms with Electricity
Thursday | November 10, 2022
Don't know your amps from an electrical ground? This guide to electric power industry terms is for y...