With smart cameras, locks and detectors, you can feel safe and secure knowing your house is in good ...

5 Tips for Buying a Dehumidifier

Tuesday | May 4, 2021
These tips will help you find the right dehumidifier to keep your home comfortable all year long.
Electricity can be hazardous if not treated properly. Take these steps to protect your home and fami...
No ductwork? No problem. Mini split heat pumps provide an efficient alternative to conventional heat...
Better mobility, lighter weight and lower cost are just some of the benefits of cordless electric le...

Power Over the Market

Tuesday | March 30, 2021
In mid-February, millions of Texans were learning how to get through brutal winter temperatures with...

Why Electric Bills Go Up In the Winter

Thursday | March 18, 2021
Even if you don't use electric heat in your home or business, you may notice that your electric bill...
Starting a job - big or small - without first getting utilities marked could result in serious injur...
Do you have an old freezer in your basement or garage? Find out how much it's costing you.

Powering Up with Electric Vehicles

Wednesday | March 10, 2021
With their many benefits, electric vehicles are hitting the road like never before. Are they right f...