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Scam Alert: Man's Best Friend is a Scammer's Best Bait
Tuesday | January 12, 2021
With stay-at-home orders in place across the globe, many people are buying new pets to help them fee...
Reasons Why Your Furnace Turns On and Off Constantly
Monday | January 11, 2021
Does your furnace turn on and off a lot? Here's what may be causing the problem and what you can do ...
What are Your Home Heating Habits?
Friday | January 8, 2021
Do you have energy-wasting space heating habits? Fortunately, there's plenty of room for energy savi...
12 Tips for Staying Safe in Ice and Snow
Tuesday | January 5, 2021
Stay safe and warm this season with this advice for navigating winter weather.
Plug In ... and Plow Out- Add an electric snow blower to your winter tool kit
Friday | January 1, 2021
Your new partner for fighting Minnesota winters is light, compact, quiet, and low maintenance – but ...
Hope House Wins Local Touchstone Energy Community Award
Monday | December 28, 2020
Beltrami Electric Cooperative has selected Hope House as the winner of the local 2020 Touchstone Ene...
Beltrami Electric sees record donations for Mitten Tree
Friday | December 18, 2020
Beltrami Electric Cooperative (BEC) recently delivered donated mittens, hats, and scarves to seven a...
5 Signs That You Need a New Heating System
Tuesday | December 8, 2020
How do you know when it's time to replace your heating system? Learn more about what to look for.